Notice to commenters

On February 1, 2011, a new copyright policy was adopted for this blog where all text is in the Public Domain (CC0).

The reason is simple: I want anyone to be able to remix, rebuild and be inspired by any text on this site. When I say that copyright is an obstacle, it makes no sense whatsoever to apply it to the site discussing its properties as an obstacle.

There is currently a transition period. Starting February 1, all new comments are placed in the public domain. On February 4, all previous commenters were informed of the new policy and given notice until February 25 if they preferred their comment deleted to having it in the public domain.

For all of February, 2011, the blog posts are in the public domain and all new comments are in the public domain. Starting March 1, 2011, all text on this site will be in the public domain except for where quotes are clearly attributed to a copyrighted work.

When commenting or writing guest posts, you are therefore placing your comment in the public domain.

This notice was sent on February 4, 2011:

IMPORTANT: Changes to copyright policy for and

(English follows.)

Hej, du har kommenterat på eller Från och med den 1 mars kommer all text på dessa sajter att vara i Public Domain, alltså i avsaknad av upphovsrätt. Det inkluderar din kommentar.

Du kan neka detta genom att svara på detta brev före den 25 februari och begära att kommentaren tas bort. Skicka i så fall mailet från den adress som hör ihop med kommentaren eller kommentarerna ifråga. Då kommer sådan radering att ske skyndsamt, och du kommer att behålla din upphovsrätt på kommentarens textmassa.

(Detta är inte ett erkännande av verkshöjd på någon enskild kommentar.)

Vänliga hälsningar och trevlig helg,
Rick Falkvinge


Dear contributor,

you have left one or more comments on the site or Starting March 1, all text on these sites will be in the Public Domain, as in devoid of copyright. This includes your comment or comments.

If you wish to keep your comment text in copyright, please respond to this mail before February 25 and request a deletion of your comments from these sites before the new policy goes into effect. Make sure to send the request from the mail address associated with the comments in question.

(This is not an admission of copyright validity for any comment.)

Rick Falkvinge
