
Rick Falkvinge has written two books to date:

caseforcopyrightreform-200-px-widThe Case For Copyright Reform (2012), co-authored with Christian Engström, is a summary of why the copyright monopoly must be reformed, and presents a doable and politically viable proposal for doing so. The material presented here is absolutely essential for anybody who wants to understand the copyright monopoly debate. Buy here or download here.


Swarmwise coverSwarmwise (2013) is a tactical guide to changing the world using cost-efficient swarm methodology. It is a leadership handbook that outlines how the Swedish Pirate Party was able to beat the competition on less than one percent of their election budget, and shows how any cash- and time-strapped manager can copy the methodology, whether the goal is social, business, or political. Buy here (US, UK) or download here as PDF or Kindle. (Publicity Photo.) Also available in Czech, and in Italian by Ibex Edizioni.
