Presentation in Oslo on Feb 7

Here’s my presentation in Oslo from February 7, 2011. It was a 30-minute presentation, so fairly low-pace, in front of a security-based audience. To provoke thought, I did my example with the land of Pretendia.

The theme was “Freedom and Security. But Freedom from What, and Security for Whom?”.

(Unfortunately, the sound recording wasn’t perfect, so in order to reduce humming and hissing, it had to be quite filtered, leading instead to what sounds like digital artifacts.)

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Falkvinge, Piratpartiet Live! and lillebrorsan, Razor. Razor said: Falkvinge: Presentation in Oslo on Feb 7 […]

  2. Kalle

    Pedagogiskt och bra!

  3. Fredrik

    Oh my, the toxic furniture filling part just made me fall out of the chair, literally 😀

  4. Henrik

    Very good presentation. Very intresting, and very good parallels. Might wanna work on your body language though. Most of the time you look very awkward when trying to move about. That was the only negative I could find anyway, everything else was top notch.

  5. Magnus

    Your audience in Oslo, what kind of people where they?

  6. Molle Bingo

    Good pres. interesting topic.

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