Temporary Fever-based Outage

Due to a nasty bug and fever, there is a small interruption in the article flow here.

I’ve been knocked out cold for the past week – just as I came back from vacations – and am just barely getting back on my feet after five days on heavy antibiotics. Expect a few more days before regular article flow resumes.

I apologize for the interruption in service.

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Caleb

    I misread the title at first glance as temporary fervor-based outrage, and expected an awesome post about false flags e.g. Iraqi WMDs etc, and was disappointed when I read the title correctly. Get well soon!

  2. opi

    There is seam to be a stability problem with the site also.
    From time to time i get some site from cloudflare saying there is no site … or any cache site to load. Just so you know.

    Keep those articles coming The are invaluable for morale and get well soon!

    1. Rick Falkvinge

      Yes, I know. I have new hardware waiting to be installed – it’s just a matter of finding the time to do it.

      (I sincerely hope it’s the server hardware that needs replacement, because that’s what I’ve bought a replacement for.)

  3. opi

    There is seam to be a stability problem with the site also.
    From time to time i get some site from cloudflare saying there is no site … or any cache site to load. Just so you know.

    Keep those articles coming They are invaluable for morale and get well soon!

  4. Booger Bender

    Wishing you well and speedy recovery Rick.

  5. Sten

    There seem to be a problem using your site with older Safari and Iphone as well.
    Been missing reading your stuff (not that I agree with you, but It is most surly interesting to read it).
    Hope for your speedy recovery.

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