I can be reached in several ways. The easiest is by mail — x1bpsas66na001 @ sneakemail.com (yes, the address is supposed to look like that, it’s a spam protection). That method is also the most drowned in spam (still a couple hundred a day), so if I don’t respond, it’s not out of disrespect, I might just have missed it. If so, text me. And by the way, for even remotely sensitive stuff, always encrypt mail for me.
For less time-sensitive stuff with end-to-end encryption, use Signal at +46 708 303600, Matrix at @rick:matrix.falkvinge.net, or (unencrypted but direct) Mastodon at @rick@mastodon.falkvinge.net.
Otherwise, call my cellphone. +49 30 23546426. If you choose this method, it had better be urgent enough to interrupt whatever I’m doing, and be a call I want to receive. Sales calls will be insta-banhammered and to be honest I’m rarely accepting voice calls from unrecognized phone numbers at all.
Oh, or you may mention Falkvinge on any webpage or Twitter, and I will notice. One distinct advantage of having a globally unique name.