Should Pirate Parties Include The Coming Swarm Economy As Policy?

The job market is never going back to lifetime employments. Industry-critical work such as free software or Wikipedia is not counted as value at all. Today’s economic model has failed at reflecting real value and at promoting industry-critical fundamentals. Job policy and economic policy is based on this faulty model. Are the Pirate Parties the right catalyst to change this?

Apart from the growth of the information society, there is a parallel and strongly related development happening on the job market. Lifetime employments are no more. The information advantage of today’s citizens enable them to become skillful jacks of all trades, never staying at a job longer than three years, and quite frequently entertaining at least one profitable and one nonprofitable job. Often several more.

Just as frequently, the nonprofitable job is a value-enabler of epic proportions, such as editing Wikipedia or contributing free software code to the world. If it hadn’t been for such contributions, we would not have had the Internet nor Android mobile phones. And yet, these contributions to the economy on a global scale count as non-production, just because skilled world-class craftsmen are not paid for them. That is insane.

There is an obvious and strong and growing disparity here between reality and the political model which is used to establish policy. Industry fundaments are undervalued or not valued at all, while specialized work that depends on the fundaments but are useful to only a few people is considered valuable.

At the same time, people entering the workforce are more disloyal than ever and seek out positions where they are able to build something that also develop them as individuals, only staying as long as it does, which isn’t rewarded at all in the current system.

This doesn’t work and the Pirate Parties are in a unique position to champion adapting policy to a new reality, since we have the most experience with the volunteer work that is reshaping our civilization’s industry.

The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back.

The Iron Law of Wages is being dissolved: currently, no employment can pay less than the minimum required to pay food and rent. But imagine for a moment if it could? If we could abolish this law? How can we, as a society, promote all the nonpaid work that creates the fundaments of our next-generation industries?

In addition, there is severe doubt whether we will be able to employ people at the rate we previously had. When Europe industrialized, we “got rid of” the excess people through extensive emigration to American colonies. Where are we going to put the leftovers this time? The moon colony isn’t finished yet, so we’ll need another solution.

It is a very real problem and there is no solution that has been successfully tried in this environment.

It is important that this is not a left-to-right issue; it has nothing to do with socialist-or-liberal policies. Rather, it is an observation that the industrial society that defined those ideologies is gradually ceasing to exist, and something else is replacing it.

One model for the swarm economy could be a basic unconditional income for every citizen. This would solve many problems, such as the Iron Law of Wages, and promote the industry-fundamental nonpaid work. It would not fundamentally change society’s economy model, as everybody is already guaranteed basic food, board and necessities through welfare systems, but making it unconditional would remove a whole lot of costly red tape.

This would enable society as a whole to remove the Iron Law of Wages and allow entrepreneurs to employ people for five hours a week, as well as allow somebody to work five hours a week paid and the rest on nonpaid but society-positive contributions, if they prefer. I don’t believe in doomsday prophecies that nobody will want to work when guaranteed a basic sustenance: again, Wikipedia and GNU/Linux, and case closed.

It is true that about 10% of the population will choose to not work and become “professional slackers”. On the other hand, these are — if I am allowed to be blunt — people that don’t work while employed either, people that employers would rather keep out of the workforce, so it doesn’t really change anything in terms of actual production. They avoid work already where they can.

I am sure that there are other models of making noncounted production count as production. I would be interested in hearing and understanding them. However, my main point is this:

The world’s Pirate Parties are in a unique position to understand the coming Swarm Economy, having firsthand experience with its unpaid fundamental production. We are able to make meaningful policy around this and bridge the gap between the industrial society and its successor, and today’s parties aren’t. My question is: should we?

In my mind, our ideology is a liberty-based and humanitarian information policy. Standing for the society which focuses on the individual contributions (whether paid or not…) and how they swarm together to real, valuable production would be quite compatible with that.

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Mark Malone

    Genuinely interesting article

    Perhaps the Pirate party could to be much more explicit about the exploitation of capitalism. A living wage is an idea that has been around for a while. It is an idea of the left, the historical radical in the catholic church, of workers organisation, and of alter globalisation movement, of which im involved

    It seems fashionionble for proponents of ‘radical’ ideas to say they have no ideological position and that this is not “a matter of left or right,” Whilst i think it useful to regect dogma and dogmatic ideas its is also the case that it also tends to be a white western idea founded in prviledge, as most of the population of the world clearly understand and experience the very real power relations, insitiutuions and authoritarianism that are central to an ideology of wealth accummulation of the few. This is clearly the result of the diffusion of post modern dogmatism itself. Such perspectives lack clear analysis of concepts of agency, participatory democracy, sociology and long historical development of social relations we current see at play across human socities.

    The idea that the Pirate party has ‘thee’ insights into unpaid labour, rather than ‘a’ perspective that migh inform party policy seems to nice the concepts that for time immorial, women have worked raising families as unpaid labour for ever. Inclusion of an understanding of radical feminist perspectives, as well as social movements perspective is likely to give the Party a much more long term political orientation that relavant to peoples lives. It would be a party id vote ( and help organise). By deciding to follow a neither left nor right, its likely that the Party will be consigning itself to margins

    But its clear that this itself is an ideology (where as “our ideology is a liberty-based and humanitarian information policy.” is not an ideology but vague, if positive , sentiment)

    This is a problem if a political organisation hasn’t though through the ramification of its policy. Policy that seek to tackle a sypmtom of capitalism “The Iron Law of Wage”, a nice term for the idea that capitalists will always seek to extract the most profit from us, as workers and comsumers yet somehow remain neutral to the structural, institutional and cultural norm is bound to failure.

  2. Douglas Lucas (@douglaslucas)

    But how to peacefully transition to utopias? (via @DarcyBurner @BrookeJarvis) (via @ioerror @ln4711)

  3. Mats Henricson

    I think Wikipedia may be a good proof, but GNU/Linux less so, since (unless I’m badly informed) most people who work on Linux are actually well paid by a company to do so.

    1. Rick Falkvinge

      There is plenty of free software — GNU/Linux was made to serve as a catchall here.

    2. The Doctor

      Not entirely true. Some of us contribute code to projects and distributions because we want to give something back to the community as a whole. Some of us audit code and send in patches because we genuinely care about the possibility of someone’s machine getting compromised because there is a vulnerability. Some of us make our software available under the GPL or BSD license because we think that our solutions to problems should be made available to everyone. Some of us do these things for free for professional reasons (plus it sharpens your skills), while others do it because we think that it is the moral or ethical thing to do.

      “If you continually give, you will continually have.”

  4. Jimmy (@Jimmy927)

    Rick falkvinge idag om orättvisan att folk som producerar varor och
    tjänster som ingen vill betala för inte får betalt:

  5. Gustav

    We should abolish LAS?

    1. Rick Falkvinge

      (LAS is a Swedish law on job security.)

      I think that’s putting the cart way before the horse. The question asked is if we should consider ourselves a catalyst to the swarm economy in the first place.

  6. klara tovhult (@KlaraTovhult)

    Fullkoimligt lysande blogginlägg av @falkvinge: #basinkomst

  7. mop

    This is an intriguing suggestion.

    While I think that’s *one* way to deal with the problems we are facing, perhaps the most sustainable thing to do would be to limit or reduce world population growth.

    On a different but somewhat related issue, Rick are you familiar with the term social business?

    1. Nix

      The overpopulation theory is pure fiction. Read Zygmunt Bauman. Rich nations can afford a high density population because they are “high entropy” centres, drawing resources, most notably the sources of energy, from the rest of the world, and returning in exchange the polluting, often toxic waste of industrial processing that uses up, annihilates and destroys a large part of the worldwide supplies of energy. In fact, if the whole population of China and India moved to the continental USA, the resulting population density wouldn’t exceed that of England, Holland or Belgium. So apparently what you actually meant to say was that we should reduce the world’s wealthy population…

  8. Ikke

    Why don’t we fix it whole scale while we’re at it. The problem is not the
    economy, it’s what we consider economic. By far the greatest portion of the
    economy is engaged in activities that produce no goods at all. 80% works in
    the tertiary sector, the service sector, and then an unhealthy share of the
    people in the first and secondary sectors (resource extraction and
    industry), don’t actually produce something tangible either. It in these
    conditions increasingly absurd that societal organisation should be founded
    on economical principles.

    If, just for a moment, we entertain considering only economic what actually
    produces tangible goods – we would be talking about how many hours we need
    to work on our weekly workday, rather than how many days of the week. It is
    only by ever increasing the economy to encompass all forms of human
    activity, from culture, to education, to taking care of your elders, to
    governance which is done by bureaucrats rather than democratic assemblies,
    that the economy can continue to grow. All these things which used to bind
    people together are now in the calculating invisible hands of the market.

    And by swallowing up all human interaction it makes people’s lives poorer,
    as competition requires specialisation and excellence, therefore requiring
    the individual to keep perfecting a handful of activities. And besides that
    handful of activities where one excels, all others are taken by other
    specialists. In ecology, as an ecosystem advances it’s agents become
    increasingly specialised, and it’s balance increasingly fragile.
    Rather than leaving the elders in the loving hands of their progeny, a few
    specialised care-specialists take care of all the elders, who to this later
    group are just an anonymous mass, the working material of their job. If
    both these care-workers and the aforementioned progeny would not be
    constantly occupied, this situation needs not exist.

    The present ‘economy’ is not organised to either capitalistic models or
    communist models, rather it takes the worst of both. The capitalistic
    arguments against communism – no incentive, planned economics, a small
    elite that dominates with no regard for the people- are all applicable to
    the modern corporation. On the other hand, the communist arguments against
    capitalism – alienation, a glorified war of each against all, capital
    accumulation at the top, hold true as well. If any economic theory is
    applicable, it is that corporate fascism.

    Both left and right project upon this reality all they decry of the
    opposing system, oblivious to the fact that it is not capitalism or
    communism that’s being practised, but whatever mix of the 2 that best suits
    corporations and their owners. And they have taken it all in waves of
    privatisation. First the public services, like transportation and energy,
    then the social services like healthcare and education, and now they wish
    to privatise security and military as well. And they will, but they can
    only succeed on the precondition that we continue to consider all these
    activities labour to be done for wage.

    Now what can we do about this politically?

    First off, the corporation got this powerful by virtue of being
    multinational and thus the countries have to compete with one another to
    provide the corporation the best conditions. But if we were to make an
    international front to oppose them, we can start taking control back of
    them. At present, corporations pay virtually no tax, cause if any country
    were to enforce taxes, the corporation simply leaves for another country. I
    would like to point out the recent example of vodafone in the UK here as
    example of just how far this tax dodging goes, while the burdens are placed
    on the shoulders of the working man.

    Secondly, we need to, bit by bit, push back the sphere of what is economic
    from the realm of human experience. Put differently, a human can only do so
    many different sorts of activities in his life, lets call this whole set X.
    Now of this set there is a number of activities considered economic, lets
    call that Y. What we need to do is to ensure that the imaginary graph of
    X/Y stops spiralling downward as the need for economic growth further
    occupies human life, and stabilises. Then, from there on, we start pushing
    it up.

    Thirdly, all power is dependant on centralisation. This is a historic
    principle and it will hold true as long as power exists. We need to
    decentralise the power, inverse the hierarchy of power, so that furthering
    the hold on society of these corporation is no longer a matter of lobbying
    a few politicians on Brussels, but getting everyone on whom it will be
    imposed to agree.

    Fourthly, we need to stop the educational system from conditioning children
    from the age of 8 to 18 to sit still, listen and do what they’re told.
    Education for the larger part is not about knowledge transfer, it is about
    conditioning this passive role of acceptance. Is it any wonder our
    democracy goes to hell, when what should be free citizens are taught from
    infancy that they can do nothing about their predicament, and should just
    do what they are told and be happy to please their masters?

    Lastly, and most crucially, we need to stop the formation of the present
    police state. The police state presently forming is worse than any other
    before it, cause it is not the state that will enforce it, but privately
    held entities under no restrictions from the moral obligations of
    statecraft. Even the worst dictators could not completely ignore that
    without breaking the uniting image of nationhood.

    Thus we need to strive for a reversal of the present situation: no longer
    must countries band together for the interest of a corporate elite, but
    against it, on the other hand we need to reinforce the power of the
    individual to be the master of his own destiny, rather than a consumer that
    picks from the options for the future presented to him.

    Well, that’s quite a long mail already, I think I’ll leave it at this, I
    could go on for hours but your interest by now should have begun to waver,
    and if not, then do something about the points mentioned above.

    1. Elmo

      Thank you for your post, the part about the economy was very helpful. I agree with most of what you said, although I tend to demonize capitalism more than you do. There are countless other points which could be mentioned, such as the idea that everyone is equal before the law which is fundamentally compromised by the economic aspect of the process of legal representation and indeed by the necessity for legal representation in itself: the fact that jurisdiction is so bloated and opaque that only professionals can navigate it has the effect that there is a fundamental difference between professionals and laypersons before the law and the professionals are the only people who benefit from this in any way. Like priests who invented their own god, lawyers hold the rest of society hostage against their claims of power over the tangled mess they call the law and which they ensure stays inaccessible.

  9. klara

    Klockrent. Vi tänker nog mer lika en en kan tro.

    Kudos Rick!

  10. Parti Pirate Liège (@PP_Liege)

    Should Pirate Parties Include The Coming Swarm Economy As Policy?

  11. ofen

    The Finnish pirate party is heading in this direction. While basic income hasn’t been included in the partys official agenda (nor are there immediate plans to do so), most candidates in the April 2011 elections have signed a statement indicating their support for replacing the current social security system with basic income.

    The translation isn’t very good, but I think you’ll get the idea:

  12. Shea

    I believe that all the Pirate Party Members will instantly go :doh: when we consider that we already have a push media method of applying value to things. “Like” share, send, and basically ~ ratings. Extend this concept to a regulated and systemically accommodated way of life. I will add value to the system by clicking a “like button” on my cell phone ~ when I see someone jogging. The adult citizens of the world should coin their own pennies and farthings into the system. Cities dollars and rubles, Counties, states, and kingdoms can function with a *reward* economy and simultaneously provide free sustainability to all of its citizens. I have considered these ideas before and truly believe that given a smooth methodology we can create a like economy that appears remarkably akin, yet entirely different than the one described by Marx and Engel over a hundred years ago.

    Why do only the poor receive welfare? Should not every citizen receive equal access to all government services. What if, as a normal non endangered citizen, I am entitled to certain basic goods and services. Food, life saving health care, productivity improvement like transportation and information! :hehe: Shelter? What if I don’t use it? What if it doesn’t matter? What if there is no tangible difference? What if your purchasing power was credit, and only credit? Nothing is out of your price range, but all transfers of any form of “like” from one person to another would be tracked? What if, for no more purpose than *I* like ..that?

    The goal here is to remove all barriers between mankind and our needs. Economy is a methodology of handling the unavailability of want. Should industry succeed so well that economy begins to fail for the lack of unavailability? What then? I am very intrigued by this article, and am dloading ‘Endogenous Growth in a Swarm Economy: Fighting Time, Space, and Complexity’ momentarily. Thank you, Mark and mop, for the links Social Business is a great term! ..and I am doing allot of Precarious Work ..indeed ( psst, buy my book? )

    ~ Shea Reinke ~ [email protected]

  13. Rev. Smith

    What it comes down to is definition of value. This may be a simple word, but depending on context in can be a lot of things.

    When speaking about economy and trade, value is often equal to money, as if money had a value in its self, but that is another story. But if we keep the definition of value as equal to money, we will not have any value when we do not do any transactions, or in other words, in your example: there is no money if there is no transactions of goods/services and money, this is a tautologi.

    Noe what swarm economy such as wikipedia, or enviromental awareness, or good personal politics (and so forth) is what is referred to as non-financial value in the business administrations. So this is nothing new, really. The main problem here is the belief of money as hard currency, but has not been that the last 10-15 years or so as well as the definition of value.

  14. NingúnOtro

    Perhaps, when you name some types of contribution as “non-production”, and the understanding does not come when you analyze these types themselves, you should try an other approach and perhaps try to find out what is so special about the other types of “standard” and classical contributions that makes them “production”.

    I can forward the difference… the “non-” of non-production refers to the absence of third party (or intermediary) encroachment on a big chunk of the added value in the production.

    It’s the IP cartel replicated in all kind of productive undertakings were a part of the added value may be siphoned off, and the competition going on is mercilessly pushing for increased profit margins, asking increasingly higher prices for increasingly less intrinsic value goods.

    There comes a time when no matter how competent one is performing a certain job, the part of the productivity that is being siphoned off becomes so big that what is left to oneself does not amount to enough to make a decent living.

    As long as you do not tackle the reasons behind this siphoning-off of the added value in production… you will not solve anything.

    The Swarm model, as a multi-agent complex system may be seen as a solution because it is supposed to get rid of the siphoning intermediaries which could be made redundant. While this might theoretically be true… it may prove practically unfeasible by those means. You take siphoning intermediaries as a symptom that you may act upon to suppress, and forget that they are also acting agents within the same model that you can not get rid of by simply ignoring them. No matter what you do, they will react at the best of their ability to preserve the most of their interests.

    The only really good way to deal with them is by objectively analyzing THEIR TRUE MOTIVES and specifically raise awareness about them so that those that form the humanist community can consciously and actively deny them the resources they seek to harvest.

    The basic unconditional income is a VERY BAD OPTION when you look at it from the right viewpoint (it might open your eyes as to why it sometimes receives unexpected support from those you might less expect it). While it may help those that presently do not have the skill to be part of the best and get one unit of the quota of total jobs available, fact is that it is not their fault that the total available quota is diminishing… it is increased competition to maximize the siphoned-off part of any production process that is causing employers to drop jobs that do not provide enough profit margin. The only jobs left will be low yield very low salary ones, like in China, Pakistan, India, etc…, and very high yield high income jobs (those top politicians, corporate and banking CEO’s most do not understand why they are payed anyway).

    What the basic unconditional income does is to enable the unrepentant profit stackers to do two two distinct things.

    1) Lower minimum wages to barely above the BUI, because society will have certified that that should be enough. So they can maximize their profit margin to the fullest extent.

    2) Break any resistance they might encounter when they get rid of excess people, because as those get the BUI there is no reason to stigmatize them as socially irresponsible.

    Thus, instead of keeping their workforce and have them cause diminishing benefits, the benefits stay privatized, and the cost of maintaining the minimum living conditions is socialized trough the BUI.

    If we do not take care… we will be manipulated into doing exactly what is best for them, thinking all the while that it is our own best effort to achieve what is best for us.

  15. elmindreda (@elmindreda)
  16. Doktor FrankenTan (@FrankenTan) (@FrankenTan)

    RT @elmindreda: A brilliant statement of the case for basic income

  17. Stefan Hållén (@stefanhallen) (@stefanhallen)

    Falkvinge on Infopolicy: Should Pirate Parties Include The Coming Swarm Economy As Policy? –

  18. Rasmus Kaj (@rasmus_kaj)

    RT @elmindreda: A brilliant statement of the case for basic income

  19. X

    To the left, this sounds like “Let’s abolish the minimum wage!”. To the right, this sound like Ayn Randian extremism, and thus dangerously off-message. This is not a position you want to be in.

  20. Isak Gerson

    X: That depends. I read this as an attempt to separate basic welfare from being employed. What Rick suggests would demand some kind of unconditioned economic support. That’s usually a pretty leftist thought.

    What it also seems to be is an attempt to dissolve the 9-5-work and killing what swedes refer to as “Arbetslinjen”, a fundamentalist ideology based on the thought that the state actively should make sure that everyone is employed – regardless of willingness and need – that the right wing parties fights hard for. Killing the Arbetslinjen is quite marxist, actually. Closer to Marx’ views on work ideology than the entire left wing in Sweden has come close to at all.

  21. Pat Mächler

    This idea has been discussed in the Swiss pirate party for some time now. I personally found the idea of a basic income very intruiging (especially replacing current welfare systems), but so far I’ve been also very cautious when it comes to the promotion of it. There is a wide range ways of implementation and I have not seen extensive reviews that list dis/advantages of one model to the other. In my opinion the socialist party in Switzerland did a rather bad move in putting a certain model into their party program, in contrast to the German Pirate Party which put a more abstract definition into their party program (namely a right to secured existence and social participation).

    @Mark Malone:
    To add another one to your list: the idea was also conveived and proposed by Milton Friedman who is considered a classically liberal and libertarian. This is indeed far away from a left-to-right-issue (it will become one of course as soon as it comes to the implementation in a certain nation and the question will arise who is eligible for it).

  22. X

    Isak Gerson: I know what he *meant*. I was referring to this notion will be perceived.

    Basically, this idea could be introduced and debated and modified ONLY IF everyone (including our opponents) were rational and open to logical arguments. As it is, introducing this would quickly explode and cause a meltdown as everyone would misunderstand it and see it in its worst possible light. It’s also only connected to pirate/privacy issues tangentially at best. This should not be in a Pirate Party policy.

  23. Robert Wensman

    Interesting twist! Basic income is definitley something for the Pirate Party. But it is important to get it right to navigate between the trenches of socialism and neo-liberalism. To make it a truly forward moving reform that is left-right neutral.

    First of all I reccomend you to at least skim my free book that is all about basic income and freedom. The book even mentions you:

    The main question is how to finance the basic income, and by that I do not just simply mean “if we can afford it”. Most people serious in this debate know very well that we could afford it. The main question is, by which moral understanding do we pay people for doing nothing, while others work for their living. And even if this might seem difficult to answer, it is actually quite simple. The answer has to do with a tax reform, that decreases tax on labour (preferably = 0%), at the same time as tax on land and natural resources is generally increased. This can be called “natural resource sharing”. Here is the swedish Facebook page for that movement just started:

    The Social democratic movement that was predominant and the last century was based on one erroneous idea. Instead of socializing production means, more specifically natural resources, they socialized labour through an extreme tax on labour. While their system worked fairly ok in the industrial era with large demand on human labour, it is starting to deteriorate in the face of the post modern society. It is time to go the other way. Individualize labour with low tax on labour, and socialize the common natural resources.

    Anyway, I am happy to see Piratpartiet taking a step in this direction. Great!

  24. Rick Falkvinge

    I find it intriguing to see people in the comment field debating whether this is a far right or far left position. That this debate is even taking place reinforces my gut feeling in the middle of the article, that it is neither left nor right, but an observation that the basis of those classifications — left and right — is disappearing.

    1. NingúnOtro

      There is and always has been, an humanist core. Left and right are dehumanizing specializations that ultimately oppose organic optimization (Mao, Pol Pot) to mechanic optimization (nazism, neo-liberalism). Both have been building up against each other, but as one seem not able to gain the upper hand what they have done is pushing anyone else out of the picture, dehumanizing more and more people.

      While we seem to have no alternative but to suffer that they fight each-other relentlessly with suicidal logic on both sides, the more inhumane they become the more we feel neither of them is a solution for us and we are in need of a different approach to the global problem of humanity.

      But we need to solve our problem, suffering the pressure from both sides, gaining more space for humanist behavior, while at the same time that we limit them both we keep them balanced the one against the other, so that neither can grab a total win, until we deflate them beyond nuisance.

      Of course, all the time, people are proposing partial solutions that suit them specifically better than other ones, be they liberal, or moderate left, or moderate right,… and those do not work because they do not keep both extremes in balance and so tend to give away a victory to only one of the extremes, and they still seem unable to come together and find the one solution that moderately suits all by denying victory to both extremes.

      Most people have only a narrow and biased view to the global balance problem, and insist on pushing forward dogmatic recipes for disaster.

  25. Felipe Barros - PPbr Brasil

    The economic model is clearly changing.

    The new economy is based on donations. There will be no more lending. There will be no more interest rate.

    Since the main difference between the arab and jewish cultures is the interest rate, this will be the solution for the Middle Orient situation as well.

    Also, we must be aware of the monetarization of the voluntary work. And allways remeber that money is the greatest instrument of control.

  26. Christer

    This is an excellent piece, Rick!

    This is a really interesting issue; that of how Pirate Parties can broaden and deepen their policy.

    One approach is to assume that the right thing to do is to abandon not only left/right, but old-school politics as a whole, and come up with something fundamentally different.

    It is, of course, not easy to decide in which direction to turn in this case, since there are infinitely many directions to choose from.

    But this could very well be a part of Politics 2.0 (or 10.0 or whichever version is next :))

  27. Carnops

    Hello Rick,
    f I had a UUI.
    The first time I had to vote (I think in 99), I voted for a party that included unconditional universal income in their program.

    I think it’s a good idea to include this idea in the core values, as it contributes to general wealth.

    Here in Belgium, we are one of the rare EU coutries, if not the only, to allow unemployment allowance without time limit (anyway it’s theoretical, because you have to prove that you’re actively searching a job to keep it).

    A main cause of unemployment is the tiny difference between the average unemployment allowance and the lower wages. Why would a sane person work 38 hours a week for 1200 € if an unemployed person earns 1000-1100 €.

    Introducing such a principle would be beneficial for the whole society, as unemployed people would exceed the tax-exempt portion and contribute (to a lesser extent but that’s a contribution anyway) to the state expenses.

    Furthermore, it would allow people to spend and/or save more.

    Nevertheless, as Professor Chomsky said, we should expect foreigner retalation in return of social…

    No this is not a right-left consideration ; we are able to combine social wealth and a more dynamic economy. The eventual loss of productivity would be compensated in short-term as business/industry would face a little more demand.

    I can assure you that I would buy more technological gadgets and refill my bookshelf in such a model. Maybe I’d finally start writing my novel project ;o)


  28. Changaco

    Pirate Parties and basic income ? There might be hope for you after all… It’s still quite far from a complete societal project though.

    BTW, I mentioned basic income as the base of a new economy on French PP IRC channels more than a year ago.

  29. suchenwi

    Wow. Good read!
    German Pirates are (more or less hotly) debating an unconditional basic income these months too. As are others in public sight, though not any of the conventional political political parties.
    The link of swarm economy to UBI will make debating easier in the near future.

    Another point for voluntary “swarming” is the Open Street Maps project. Even at my work (a south German electrical concern:) we are tapping it for a kind of travelling salesman application. Costs nothing, but is invaluable…

    I’ll make that point when discussing with colleagues tomorrow, back at work.

  30. Jacelyn (@WillowsHowl)

    RT @Livable4All: @WillowsHowl interesting stuff here on Swarm Economy at least they also recognize need for #basicincome

  31. Skapa allmänningar! (@allmanningar) (@allmanningar)

    intressant om svärmekonomi, gratisarbete och medborgarlön av rick falkvinge:…

  32. Skapa allmänningar! (@allmanningar)

    rick falkvinge om svärmekonomi, gratisarbete och medborgarlön:…

  33. Livable4All (@Livable4All) (@Livable4All)

    article by @falkvinge Pirate Parties and The Coming Swarm Economy #infopolicy #swarmeconomy #basicincome

  34. Anonymiss Express (@OpPinkPower)

    Should Pirate Parties Include The Coming Swarm Economy As Policy? #anonymiss #pirates #piraten

  35. Elle Nerdinger (@forschungstorte)

    #falkvinge RT @OpPinkPower: Should Pirate Parties Include The Coming Swarm Economy As Policy? #anonymiss #piraten

  36. incredibul (@incredibul)

    #falkvinge fragt, ob ein BGE für die Piraten weltweit ein Thema sein könnte. (via @forschungstorte)

  37. NineBerry

    Simple answer: Yes, we should!

  38. Livable4All (@Livable4All) (@Livable4All)

    article by @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #infopolicy #swarmeconomy #basicincome

  39. Livable4All (@Livable4All) (@Livable4All) (@Livable4All)

    @justinleavesley another cutting edge economics article by @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #infopolicy

  40. BlueTemplar

    Here’s a French website thinking about this problem:

  41. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    @VeryBritishDude yes, there r healthy services, too, but think that @falkvinge is right about the Swarm Economy and BI

  42. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    @dailyhillster also see futurist J.Hughes and @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  43. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    when will #unions realize ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  44. Emergentculture (Rohaan Solare)

    RT @Livable4All: ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  45. Hadly_ (Dave Dumas)

    RT @Livable4All: when will #unions realize ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  46. MeltemArikan (Meltem Arıkan™)

    RT @Livable4All: when will #unions realize ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  47. ReichundRanicki (RabbiBi BitCoin 1788)

    RT @Emergentculture: RT @Livable4All: ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  48. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #june30 #cdnpoli #99ers

  49. Kaviraj2 (Vaikunthanath Kavira)

    RT @Livable4All: when will #unions realize ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy

  50. Kaviraj2 (Vaikunthanath Kavira)

    RT @Livable4All: ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #june30 #cdnpoli #99ers

  51. De8or4h (D Konig)

    RT @Livable4All: ‘The industrial model is dead and it is not coming back’ @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #june30 #cdnpoli #99ers

  52. GideonKlok (Gideon Klok)

    The Swarm Economy As [Political] Policy? #progress #infopolicy #swarmeconomy #unconditionalbasicincome #realitycheck

  53. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    @_Hooch_ The Coming Swarm Economy and basic income by @falkvinge Industrial model dead and not coming back

  54. Livable4All (Livable4All)

    @joepdx yes, with BIG there is no unpaid work. Also see @falkvinge The Coming Swarm Economy #infopolicy

  55. Bitcoin és adózás | Magyar Bitcoin Portál

    […] bevezetése esetén semmi sem ösztönözné munkára az embereket. Erről az állításról már magam is elmagyaráztam, hogy miért ostobaság, de gyors és rövid szemléltető példaként elég megnézni a […]

  56. […] Source: This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Cyber Hype, Economy, Geopolitics, Human Rights, People, Politics, Press Releases, Science, Space, Uncategorized, Weaponology. Bookmark the permalink. ← Radiation level higher than normal detected on people fleeing Japan 'Miscalculated' Libya: What happens if Gaddafi falls? → […]

  57. Measuring economic and societal activity | To learn something

    […] Rick Falkvinge has a post on swarm economy. There are good points such as “writing to Wikipedia isn’t currently considered as […]

  58. Steverino

    The ownership class prints trillions of collars of fiat money and then distributes most of it to itself. How are we going to convince the ownership class to pay out guaranteed income for shelter, food, clothing, education, health care, transportation so that a swarm society can arise? They are TOO GREEDY and prefer converting themselves from millionaires to billionaires and trillionaires and too narrow minded to realize that unemployed workers – if their basic necessities of life are paid for – can invent marvels beyond belief to advance human civilization to a level where humanity could colonize the entire solar system. All they care about is getting money and their own personal wealth.

  59. […] un peu l’avis de Rick Falkvinge (fondateur du parti pirate suédois) à propos de la « Swarm economy » (l’économie de l’essaim) : Parce que les pirates sont ceux qui ont le plus […]

  60. Pourquoi les pirates devraient défendre le revenu de base

    […] un peu l’avis de Rick Falkvinge, le fondateur du Parti pirate suédois, à propos de la « Swarm economy » (l’économie de l’essaim) : Parce que les Pirates sont ceux qui ont le plus […]

  61. […] Just as frequently, the nonprofitable job is a value-enabler of epic proportions, such as editing Wikipedia or contributing free software code to the world. If it hadn’t been for such contributions, we would not have had the Internet nor Android mobile phones. And yet, these contributions to the economy on a global scale count as non-production, just because skilled world-class craftsmen are not paid for them. That is insane.  […]

  62. […] un peu l’avis de Rick Falkvinge (fondateur du parti pirate suédois) à propos de la « Swarm economy » (l’économie de l’essaim) […]

  63. interfluidity » The generalized resource curse

    […] Rick Falkvinge — Swarm Economy […]

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