I Have Absolutely Brilliant Colleagues

Stop whatever you’re doing right now and watch this eight-minute speech from Christopher Lauer, a Member of State Parliament in Berlin who was elected last fall.

After you’ve seen the speech (after clicking Play, press the uparrow and then CC to turn on subtitles in English, as I did), try to tell me with a straight face that Pirate Parties worldwide isn’t exactly what is needed to reconquer democracy and make a government for the people, by the people. Now, you need to remember as you watch this, that this man is actually an elected representative. He is a Member of Parliament in Berlin, elected for the Piratenpartei, the German Pirate Party.

[youtube 6U82ig37TaE 624 500]

Every day, I am amazed at the sheer brilliance, clearsight, and almost brutal candor of my colleagues. Christopher, I would be honored to buy you the first beer next time we meet.

At the same time, I can’t help noticing the von oben attitude of the old-guard politicians filmed in the video, just thinking that the pirates are a nuisance that will eventually go away, so that power can get back to caring for power.

With professional conduct in Parliament like this available for everybody to see, well, we’ll see about that.

(Hat tip to @opassande for the heads-up.)

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Justus Römeth

    The video on Youtube itself also offers subtitles in Catalan, French, German and Polish if anybody needs those. Turkish is in the pipes, more may or may not come. A big shout to the TTF of PPI for helping me translate this within 24h.

    Please spread the word!

    1. Rick Falkvinge

      Thank you for helping share this display of brilliance and powerful honesty.

      1. Justus Römeth

        Credit where credit is due, I find the TTF to be one of the least complicated and most dedicated group of pirates/netizens I have ever worked with. And I find translations to be essential if we are to grow the internatinality of this movement (so in response to your last blog post, I am very excited about what the following year will bring to us, Mr Falkvinge! 🙂 )

  2. suchenwi

    I had watched Christopher’s speech some days ago, but in the light of your comment I just rewatched it. Powerful, passionate. I don’t know how it will impress members of other parties (of whom many seats were empty anyway), but I expect Christopher to make more such speeches.
    Only, his gestics could be stronger if he took the left hand out of his pocket… :^)

    1. Justus Römeth

      Yeah he was essentially reading the speech, not really presenting it. But I am sure he’s the first one to admit that, and he has 3.5 years to work on that.

      1. Fabio Till

        4.5 years

  3. slightlyanon

    Excellent speech, his plea to bring public debate back into politics was fantastic. I dream of the day we can have politicians like him in my own country, hopefully someday soon.

    Btw, i must ask, does anybody know what’s up with all the mac’s?

  4. bluebomb

    Can anyone provide a link to a transcript (preferably but not necessarily in English) of this speech?

  5. børge / forteller

    If the subtitles went too fast for anyone else to read too, you can read them at your own pace here: https://www.universalsubtitles.org/en/videos/F4z9Fy65XWav/en/223286/ (English. The other languages are available on the left side).

    1. Lars

      Here are the subtites in text format (I removed the surrounding comments that were not part of the speech, and the interruption in the middle).

    2. Lars

      Here are the subtitles in text format (I removed the surrounding comments that were not part of the speech, and the interruption in the middle).

    3. Chuck Smith

      We just finished translating the subtitles into Esperanto on universalsubtitles.

      1. børge / forteller

        Awesome! Thank you for using US! 🙂

    4. Björn Persson

      Thanks for that link. Not only did the subtitle go fast. They were also black text on half-transparent black bars against a varying but often black background.

  6. AeliusBlythe

    Wow, this is a hopeful thing.

    It is one thing to see pirates speaking at conferences, at lecture halls, at rallies… but to see people directly from our own digital generation speaking truths that the old guard has tried so hard to suppress, speaking in our own terms in a place of government, right in the midst of that old guard… that fills me with hope and pride.

    Too bad many did not seem to show respect or even attention to these powerful words, but isn’t ignoring these people what allowed them to sneak right in to Parliament in the first place? While the current powers-that-be disregarded those in the Pirate movement as children, the Pirates were busy coming up with good ideas and getting votes. So let the old guard ignore the “children” and talk amongst themselves … let them talk themselves right out of a job.

  7. Travis McCrea

    Can someone tell me what was shouted out by the other party member?

    1. MasterYoda

      I second that.

      1. Justus Römeth

        At what time/moment exactly?

  8. Los piratas y el Parlamento | Blog PeruW

    […] Vía Rick Falkvinge llego a este impresionante y duro discurso de Christopher Lauer en el Parlamento Estatal de Berlín, donde el Partido Pirata consiguió quince escaños en las pasadas elecciones del 18 de septiembre. El vídeo está en alemán, pero puedes verlo subtitulado en varios idiomas, entre otros en inglés o en catalán, o leer el texto completo en inglés aquí. (ACTUALIZACIÓN: ya están disponibles los subtítulos en español – gracias, Darío 🙂 […]

  9. Los piratas y el Parlamento | Camp. Pendleton

    […] Vía Rick Falkvinge llego a este impresionante y duro discurso de Christopher Lauer en el Parlamento Estatal de Berlín, donde el Partido Pirata consiguió quince escaños en las pasadas elecciones del 18 de septiembre. El vídeo está en alemán, pero puedes verlo subtitulado en varios idiomas, entre otros en inglés o en catalán, o leer el texto completo en inglés aquí. (ACTUALIZACIÓN: ya están disponibles los subtítulos en español – gracias, Darío […]

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