Great Britain will hold a referendum on the EU in 2017. This is a good thing, but the rest of us Europeans should be…
Read MoreAuthor: christian.engstrom
Cameron’s Speech Opens A Window Of Opportunity To Reform The EU
As a member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party, I was very happy to hear British prime minister David Cameron announce…
Read MoreIn A Way I Do Sort Of Envy The US Its Patent System
I most certainly don’t envy the US its patent system as such, but as a European politician, I am concerned that the US seems…
Read MoreWhy Conservatives And Libertarians Should Be Sceptical Of The Copyright Monopoly
The book Copyright Unbalanced – From Incentive to Excess appears to be very interesting. From the ad for the book: Conservatives and libertarians, who…
Read MoreЧто Пиратская Партия Швеции думает о патентах, торговых марках и копирайте
Сегодня вечером я буду делать презентацию для группы специалистов по патентному праву в Стокгольме. Презентация будет называться “Что Пиратская Партия думает о патентах, торговых…
Read MoreŠta Švedska piratska partija namerava da uradi u vezi sa patentima, zaštitnim znakovima i kopirajtom
Ovog popodneva ću napraviti prezentaciju za nekolicinu advokata koji se bave patentnim sistemom u Stokholmu, pod nazivom “Šta Piratska partija namerava da uradi u…
Read MoreWhat The Swedish Pirate Party Wants With Patents, Trademarks, And Copyright
This afternoon, I’ll make a presentation to a group of patent lawyers in Stockholm, with the title “What does the Pirate Party want with…
Read MoreHow We Won ACTA
As the European Parliament voted to reject the ACTA agreement on July 4, 2012, it was a huge victory. What did we do right,…
Read MoreDrei Siege zur Halbzeit im Europaparlament
Es ist jetzt zweieinhalb Jahre her seit den Wahlen zum Europaparlament von 2009, in denen ich als Mitgleid der schwedischen Piratenpartei ins Parlament gewählt…
Read MoreТри победы в Европарламенте к перерыву
Прошло два с половиной года с выборов Европарламента в 2009 году, где я был избран членом Европейского парламенента от Пиратской партии Швеции. Парламент снова…
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