In the European Pirate Parties’ race for the first national parliament seat, an unexpected contender has appeared as a possible winner: the Netherlands. The…
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L'ACTA passe en plénière dans deux jours, contactez le Parlement
Le 4 juillet, le Parlement Européen votera sur l’ACTA. C’est le niveau final : ACTA passe ou trépasse. Nous, activistes, citoyens, militants, avons réussi à convaincre cinq…
Read MoreNaš poslednji juriš: Glasanje u vezi sa ACTA-om za 10 dana, kontaktirajte Evropski parlament
Za deset dana počevši od danas, 4. jula, Evropski parlament će se izjasniti o ACTA-i. Ovo je bos sa kraja nivoa; ovde ACTA umire…
Read MoreOur Final Push: ACTA Vote In Ten Days, Mail The European Parliament
Ten days from today, on July 4, the European Parliament will vote on ACTA. This is the end-of-level boss; this is where ACTA lives…
Read MoreFinal Europarl Committee Rejects ACTA. Internet-Lobbyists, 5-0.
Today, the final and ultimately responsible committee in the European Parliament gave its recommendation on ACTA. Its opinion was clear: Reject ACTA. This brings…
Read MoreLIVE: Europarl ACTA Vote In INTA Committee
The INTA committee in the European Parliament, which is the responsible committee for ACTA, will shortly come to a vote. Live updates here. The…
Read MoreNaftna kompanija tužila Internet provajdera, ugasila Greenpeaceov sajt koji je protestovao protiv njih
Greenpeace je protestovao protiv naftne kompanije tako što je napravio parodiju njihovog sajta. Naftna kompanije je podnela tužbu protiv Greenpeaceovog Internet provajdera , tvrdeći…
Read MoreOil Company Sues ISP, Kills Greenpeace Protest Site Against Them
Greenpeace protests an oil company with a parody site. The oil company files a lawsuit against the ISP of Greenpeace, claiming copyright monopoly violation…
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