A banker offers you a loan so that you can buy a house located near your cushy new job. You sign, comfortable that your…
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Debugging the Profit Motive: Part Two — Shiny Gold Coins
Zacqary Adam Green. A man in a big house on a hill asks you to tend his garden. In return, he’ll give you a…
Read MoreDebugging the Profit Motive: Part One — Bad Behavior
Zacqary Adam Green. A salesman sells you a tube of toothpaste, claiming it will make your teeth whiter than they’ve ever been in just…
Read MoreHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love LulzSec
Zacqary Adam Green. I don’t like having my personal data taken by the “Bad Guys”, no more than anyone. When the infamous Sony Playstation…
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This is not content; this is a blog post. You are not consuming this blog post. It is not being depleted by you so…
Read MoreThe Door To Citizens' Freedom Swings Both Ways
Governments all over the world are becoming increasingly two-faced and schizophrenic when it comes to dealing with the net. As ecstatic as governments can…
Read MoreFempunktsplanen
Jag har ofta berättat för aktivister och funktionärer om vår fempunktsplan, och jag har ofta sagt till media att vi ska ändra på Sverige,…
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