Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty. In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally.
This is a day of celebration. This is the day when citizens of Europe and the world won over unelected bureaucrats who were being wooed and lobbied by the richest corporations of the planet. The battleground wasn’t some administrative office, but the representatives of the people – the European Parliament – which decided in the end to do its job beautifully, and represent the people against special interests.
The road to today’s victory was dark, hard, and by no means certain.

What lead us here?
Six months ago, the situation looked very dark. It was all but certain that ACTA would pass unnoticed in silence. The forces fighting for citizens’ rights tried to have it referred to the European Court of Justice, in order to test its legality and to buy some time. Then, something happened.
A monster by the name of SOPA appeared in the United States. Thousands of websites went dark on January 18, and millions of voices cried out, leaving Congress shellshocked over the fact that citizens can get that level of pissed off at corporate special interests. SOPA was killed.
In the wake of this, as citizens had realized that they didn’t need to take that kind of corporate abuse lying down and asking for more, the community floodlights centered on ACTA. The activism carried over beautifully to defeat this monster. Early February, there were rallies all over Europe, leaving the European Parliament equally shellshocked.
The party groups turned on a cent and declared their opposition to ACTA in solidarity with the citizen rallies all over the continent, after having realized what a piece of shameless mail-order legislation it really was, to the horrors of the corporate shills who thought this was a done deal. Those shills tried, tried hard, tried right up until today, to postpone the vote on ACTA past the attention of the public and the activists.
Alas, they don’t understand the net. And there’s one key thing right there: the net doesn’t forget.
But the key takeaway here is that it was we, the activists, that made this happen. Everybody in the European Parliament takes turn praising all the activists across Europe and the world that called their attention to what utter garbage this really was, that it wasn’t some run-of-the-mill rubberstamp paper but actually was a really dangerous piece of proposed legislation. Everybody thanks the activists for that. Yes, that’s you. You should lean back, smile, and pat yourself on the back here. Each and every one of us has every reason to feel proud today.
What comes next?
In theory, ACTA could still come into force between the United States and a number of smaller states. Ten states have been negotiating it, and six of those need to ratify it to have it come into force. In theory, this could become a treaty between the United States, Morocco, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, and Switzerland. (But wait, the Mexican Senate has already rejected ACTA. As has Australia and Switzerland in practice. Oh well… a treaty between the United States and Morocco, then, in the unlikely event that the United States will actually and formally ratify it. You can see where this is going.)
As described before on TorrentFreak, without the support of the European Union, ACTA is dead. Doesn’t exist.
The European Commissioner responsible for the treaty, Karel de Gucht, has said that he will ignore any rejections and re-table it before the European Parliament until it passes. That’s not going to happen. Parliament takes its dignity very seriously and does not tolerate that kind of contempt, fortunately. This is something relatively new in the history of the European Union’s democracy – the first time I saw Parliament stand up for its dignity was during the Telecoms Package, where the Commission also tried to ram through three-strikes provisions. (Instead, Parliament made “three strikes” schemes illegal in the entire European Union.)
Many of the bad things in ACTA will return under other names. For the lobbyists, this is a nine-to-five job of jabbing against the legislation until it gives way. Just another day at work. We need to remain vigilant against special interests who will return again, again, and again, until we make sure that the legislative road for them is completely blocked. We must remain watchful.
But not today.
Today, we celebrate a job extraordinarily well done.
Today, on July 4, Europe celebrates a day of independence from American special interests.
Today, we stood up for our most basic rights against corporate giants, and won.
Congratulations to all of us, and thanks to all brothers and sisters on the barricades across the world who made this happen.
(This article is also posted on TorrentFreak.)
UPDATE 2 – Send flowers to the Europarl for standing up for us.
UPDATE 1 – UK artist Dan Bull wanted to share this song, “Death of ACTA”, with the world. At his request, I couldn’t be happier to help share it today.
[youtube elUwRb4DroU 621 378]
[…] (This article is also posted on […]
“That’s not going to happen. Parliament takes its dignity very seriously and does not tolerate that kind of contempt, fortunately.”
[…] mer: Falkvinge, […]
V for Victory!!!
It’s more than rejection – it’s devastating demonstration of anti-lobby awareness from our elected representatives. It’s first time EP shows it is not an automatic voting machine, but democratic agenda of EUROPEAN PEOPLE!
Now one can see, what sentence “WE ARE LEGION” really means, congrats!!! 🙂
Oh, and I really like how you phrased “Today, on July 4, Europe celebrates a day of independence from American special interests.”… 😉
Oh, the irony!
I know, I love it! Very symbolic day. And now we really have something to celebrate!
What amazing, amazing news. 😀
And don’t forget, in the general celebrations, a toast to the Higgs boson. A decades long search that finally came to frutition, and then ACTA is rejected on top of that. This is a fine day indeed.
Boson, Boson, lurking dim,
Can it be that you are Him?
Why do I get the feeling that reddit brought you here… ? 🙂
Something tells me that you came from reddit 🙂
Is that a bad thing?
And, yeah man this is a fantastic day in human history, it gives me hope. In a way it is all CERN’s doing, with out them the internet would not be what it is today. The scientists there are working for humanity, and it shows.
They are answering some of our deepest questions and have given us the tools to protect and expand democracy and reason.
Har du tillgång till någon lista över vilka parlamentariker som röstade JA för ACTA? Skulle vara grymt intressant att se om någon från SWE röstade för.
The individual voting records should arrive on Votewatch.EU shortly.
YES – Alla röstande svenskar röstade nej.
Lattjo att se vilka som avstod att rösta…
You mean, besides Fjellner? 🙂
[…]… […]
[…] ratifice un tratat cu trei membri pentru că ar fi un efort inutil pentru un tratat neaplicabil.via Rick FalkvingeTaguri: ACTA, Uniunea Europeană (No Ratings Yet) Loading …Articole asemanatoareBroadband-ul […]
[…] more at the blog of Rick Falkvinge, the founder of the Pirate Party movement. […]
[…] Nyheten sprids över Internetz. ACTA röstades ner i EU-parlamentet! Idag är en bra dag att vara pirat. Bloggar etiketter: ACTA, EU-parlamentet, Internetz, Pirat, Politik, PP-LiveNyheten sprids över Internetz. ACTA röstades ner i EU-parlamentet! […]
And this good news I receive just hours after I was told that my daughter Zandra has given birth to two healthy boys.
What a glorious day this has been — for sure. 4th of July rocks.
Congrads to you and your daughter! 🙂 May they live a long, healthy and happy life.
Daughter? Lul.
Thanks a million, Gabriel! Yes indeed, I will take every causion to make those two new members of our internet society make their voices heard all over the ‘net.
[…] falkvinge […]
[…]… […]
[…] en dryg halvtimme sedan blev det tydligen klart: Europaparlamentet röstade ned ACTA, och vi har därmed blivit av med en hel räcka orosmoln på himlen. Fattiga länder kan fortsatt […]
Fantastic news!
I look forward to the Europarl rubbing Karel de Gucht’s nose in his stinking sh*t.
I also hope this will have a long term effect on both the Parliament and the European people, reminding everyone that we don’t have to be slaves to the Commission.
What happens now with those EU countries that ratified ACTA?
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
[…] issue. The European Parliament yesterday voted to reject it. And the vote was crushing – 478 to 39. As prominent Pirate Party founder Mr. Falkvinge gleefully reports, this kills off any possibility of making ACTA a global legal tool for IP rights […]
[…]… […]
[…] (This article is also posted on […]
[…] Falkvinge says: Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty. In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally. […]
Oh, I didn’t realize that today is the “Day of Independence” for Americans. Kind of ironic that EU gets its independence from EU special interests in the same day.
Wrong, it’s independence from American special interests. ACTA is American.
Acta in trash can, lobbyists and EU commission humiliated, check! World change through Pirate politics: in progress. Thanks Pirate EU parl team, Rick and all of you who put time and energy into activism!
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament – Falkvinge on Infopoli… Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty. In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject A… […]
[…] Falkvinge of the Swedish Pirate Party has a great (longer) writeup over at his blog. Share this:EmailTwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like […]
Is there a list of ACTA supporters somewhere?
These parliamentarians voted for ACTA:
ALDE: Newton Dunn, Takkula
EFD: Allam, Provera, Tzavela
PPE: Audy, Bendtsen, Berra, Cadec, Casini, Dantin, Dati, Deß, Florenz, Gahler, Gallo, Gauzès, Grossetête, Hortefeux, Juvin, Lamassoure, Langen, Le Brun, Le Grip, Lehne, Mathieu, Morin-Chartier, Motti, Ponga, Posselt, Proust, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Riquet, Rivellini, Roatta, Sanchez-Schmid, Vlasto, Weber Manfred
S&D: Moreira
[…] Европарламент проголосовал против антипиратского соглашения ACTA Европарламент 4 июля проголосовал против антипиратского соглашения ACTA (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, Торговое соглашение по борьбе с контрафактной продукцией). Об этом сообщил основатель Пиратской партии Швеции Рик Фальквинге (Rick Falkvinge) на своем сайте. […]
I’m trying to +1 the article, but it isn’t working. 🙁
I’m off to share the good news the old fashioned way: e-mail! ^_^
[…] tekst Rika Falkvingea, izvor:… Priredio: Medijski tim PP July 4th, 2012. / postovano u dogadjaji, […]
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament – Falkvinge on Infopoli… […]
OMG this is indeed good news, I literally shouted “YES!” as I saw it. 😀
Here’s a thought on how to make the European parliament a better place still.
Take those 39 who voted *pro* ACTA… and fire them.
[…] så går det idag inte att göra annat än glädjas med vad som nu beslutats och hoppas att det finns en så stor övertygelse att även en […]
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament – Falkvinge on Infopolicy […]
If only the world had rejected the America inspired War on Drugs also…….
Hello all, today, the 4th, an new era has been stopped and an new freedom is born.
Been at 3 of these “STOP ACTA” demonstrations around in Sweden and been there with an whole group of Occupy members, I’ve been to Copenhagen and Gothenburg when there were big demonstrations.. But first now after all, I feel the victory of Internet.
Long live freedom, the Internet and of course, the Pirate Parties world wide and I’ll include Occupy.
Jag är glad över att lagen har slängts i soporna. 🙂
Ryser vid blotta tanken på vad som kunde ha hänt om lagen blivit inröstad.
Go Reddit!
These are international corporations not “American Special Interests”. These are global entities seeking to rewrite the world’s rules, including American ones, in their favor. So I take a big of umbrage at the fact that you are portraying ACTA and the other laws as some sort of American conspiracy. Are there American corporations involved? Undoubtedly. But there are also European, Asian, Australian, and other corporations at work here too.
Actually, this is official US policy since the early 1980s. Check the background to the TRIPs agreement, or read this part of the history of the copyright monopoly for a short primer.
I am an American too, but I must admit that, yes, it is American corporations that are responsible for these outrages. It is the American government that insists on the pro-corporate clauses in these treaties. It is American organizations like the RIAA and MPAA that are leading the charge. This is our fault and it is because we are so under the control of the advertisers and slogan writers that this corruption is so rampant in our country. Our highest court has said that bribery is protected by the Constitution! They claim that they cannot even tell the difference between a person speaking his opinion and a corporation handing suitcases full of cash to a congressman! American ignorance and corruption is responsible for this mess.
[…] ACTA killed in EU parliament: 478 votes to 39( […]
People remember to write your MEP’s and thank them.
[…] ACTA is dead. VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament – Falkvinge on Infopolicy […]
[…] (This article is also posted on […]
[…] Parliament, many feared the worst. Even bigger optimists expected it to come out rather close. And now we know that the EP rejected ACTA with 478 MEPs voting against it (165 abstentions and the measly 39 voting […]
[…] may sound similar to that of SOPA in the United States—and that’s because the movement was inspired by anti-SOPA action, Rick Falkvinge (who founded the first Pirate Party) writes in something of a battle cry on […]
I’m proud that the corporate powers are being stood up too and actually for once defeated by the desires of the general public. As an American, this make July 4th even more special to me.
Congratulations, and thank you. I am afraid that my country is lost. Corruption, greed, and ignorance rule in America. The voters care only about slogans and sound bites, priding themselves on their ignorance. Our Supreme Court has declared corporate bribery to be protected by the Constitution. I am glad to see that there are places where corruption is not yet victorious. Thank you. Keep up the good fight. We need you.
[…] Fuente blog de Rick Falkvinge […]
I regretfully don’t know what this is as I’m Australian. What is (was) ACTA?
Sorry for me telling you this like this but… are you kidding? Even Australia is/was involved. Rick Falkvinge blog (this one) has the information you need to get started.
…Pirate Party Australia have been campaigning against this in Australia…
[…] from: VICTORY! ACTA suffers final, humiliating defeat in European Parliament… […]
this made my year!
Congratulations for this victory. Now take care for backdoors like the EU-Colombia/Peru FTA that i said before. Some measures like monitoring still present on this treaty and it is not so well known unlike ACTA.
Here in peru, your words are very appreciated (“Yes, there are a lot of evil bilateral agreements with similar effects in the works. But by stopping one with force, we are sending clear signals that the corps can’t get away with anything”).
We are on other conflicts (do you heard about Conga?) and these conflicts have higher priority than those where we are still a minority (internet for example), even when some threats are really dangerous for all. This is a petition for an attempt to stop the EU-Colombia/Peru FTA from european side. We already are in a bloody conflict against some private interests that menaces the nature and the propaganda media from governments and private corps. are still strong.
I hope that you can read this Rick.
Arturo (aka chillinfart)
[…] forçada nos Estados Unidos, o que dificilmente ocorrerá. Em seu texto publicado nos sites Infopolicy e TorrentFreak, logo após a votação desta quarta-feira, Falkvinge celebra: “Resistimos aos […]
[…] road to today’s victory was dark, hard, and by no means certain. Continue reading, click here More posts you might like:Dutch Lawmakers Adopt Net Neutrality LawEuropeans to build largest […]
[…] more from Falkvinge […]
[…] ACTA killed in EU parliament: 478 votes to 39 ( […]
[…] is dead in EU read about it here and here. This – is good news. Scratch that – it’s excellent […]
[…] primeiro lugar, ACTA got sent to the dustbin of history (maybe not for good, but one can hope). O Parlamento Europeu esmagou a ACTA, com 478 votos contra e […]
This is more than victory. It should be a heads up for people. Rarely do you see the world coming together as people to fight these kinds of things. Here is the ultimate proof that we can all change the world! 🙂
EU röstade ner ACTA…
Tidigare idag höll EU-parlamentet omröstningen gällande det hårt kritiserade ACTA-avtalet. Med stor majoritet valde ledamöterna att rösta emot att införa avtalet. 478 röstade emot, 39 för och 165 ledamöter bemödade sig inte rösta över huvud taget. När …
“Parliament made “three strikes” schemes illegal in the entire European Union.” Too bad for New Zealand, where parliament push in through in urgency so that the people could do shit all about it. Meanwhile the politicians compare the internet to skynet from Terminator and the main lady pushing it through states on her twitter that she got some albums from a friend on her USB, too naive to actually realise this was also piracy.
The law is total crock of shit, that only punishes small time pirates (parents who download some songs) while big players work around it with security measures that they may well have already had in place. Hell, torrent programmes apparently have an encryption setting that all you have to do is tick, and that alone seems sufficient work around.
[…] international agreements and treaties. Secrecy is not democracy,” Mr Serkowski concluded.[1]… [2] […]
[…] It’s been an amazing, fascinating and inspiring year in the internet community. Today, the Verge has a nicely-produced writeup on the Declaration of Internet Freedom which also gets into the story of the last year of internet politics, including the SOPA/PIPA fight. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the Internet plays as an election issue this fall, and how we as a community can work to carry our energy and momentum into the next US congress and administration, as well as on the global front. […]
honestly u make me sick pervert
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] care probabil il stiti, oameni ca el voteaza si au acces la internet. E amuzant pentru ca e trist.[Mai multe despre votul impotriva ACTA]Da mai departe:ShareShareEmailPe aceeasi tema:ACTA aproape de lovitura de gratieACTA semnat de […]
Speaking with lead negotiators of ACTA from the Department of Foregn Affairs and Trade, we met with boastful unelected staff who were proud of the almost air-tight secrecy and held a disgusting lack of enthusiasm or even initiative to conduct any kind social or economic impact study to protect the hard working citizens and families of this nation. These are the same people negotiating the TPP on behalf of Australians and I think we need to be vigilant and ruthless with our ongoing campaign for transparency and accountability on these rogue departments of unelected representative’s holding our country to the ransom of international corporate interests.
David W. Campbell
Pirate Party Australia
[…] Here is the story in more detail: Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty. In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally. […]
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament – […]
The Americans must not be happy. (the corrupt government I mean)
[…] What began as scattered global protests against the ACTS over the weekend culminated in a crushing defeat in the European Parliament, which voted down the ACTA in a 478-to-39 vote. att=2014964 read […]
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] ACTA Killed In European Parliament Today at 12:56, the European Parliament decided whether ACTA would be ultimately rejected or whether it would drag on into uncertainty. In a crushing 478-to-39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally. […]
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] Roger för informationen! ACTA läggs ner för gott! Eller det kan ju komma upp igen, men den risken är nog inte så stor… Det tycker jag var […]
[…] America’s Independence Day, the EU has declared its ‘independence’ from American lobbyists.”[4] The Harper Government quietly signed onto ACTA in September 2011. […]
[…] ORIGINAL : VICTORY ! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament […]
Todos comemoram!!!!
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament […]
[…] (This article is also posted on […]
[…] Conviene leer a Rick Falkvinge, una de las personas que más ha hecho por todo esto, que más se ha movido, que más ha argumentado e impulsado campañas de rechazo. El humillante rechazo de ACTA es mucho, mucho más importante de lo que parece. Ahora hay más de cuatrocientos diputados convencidos de que la vía para solucionar los temas relacionados con el derecho de autor radica no en la represión ni en la vigilancia de los ciudadanos, sino en el desarrollo de mercado y en la evolución del propio concepto de propiedad intelectual. Además, y todavía más importante si cabe, millones de ciudadanos han visto que el ciberactivismo no es ni una pérdida de tiempo, ni un conjunto de acciones quijotescas o extravagantes: puede realmente conseguir cosas. El activismo, de hecho, es la única respuesta. […]
[…] The European Parliament rejected ACTA, which is now effectively dead. […]
[…] (This article is also posted on […]
[…] която от няколко седмици бушуваше в Европейския парламент. […]
[…] Subscribe to the feed, or view past episodes.News: ACTA defeated in European Parliament – Techdirt, Falkvinge ALRC Copyright Review – ACT Membership Drive PPAU Congress 2012 – wiki […]
[…] Thursday July 4, the European Parliament rejected ACTA […]
[…] Thursday July 4, the European Parliament rejected ACTA […]
ACTA not over yet, they are trying to sneak it in again via the Canada – EU Trade agreement. Time to call on the Parliament to reject this treaty. See
For more information.
People Power!
[…] är över. ACTA har äntligen fallit. Äntligen. Internet jublar över hela världen. Glädjen vill aldrig ta slut. Folk firar fantastiskt mycket. Väldigt, […]
[…] ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament… […]
[…] ner det omtvistade handelsavtalet ACTA. Det känns oerhört skönt. Det är en oerhört stor seger. Det är dock viktigt att komma ihåg att det här inte är en lättköpt […]
[…] Wednesday, we defeated ACTA, when the good forces on the inside and outside of Parliament cooperated to defeat the […]
[…] Wednesday, we defeated ACTA, when the good forces on the inside and outside of European Parliament cooperated to defeat the […]
[…] която от няколко седмици бушуваше в Европейския парламент. […]
[…] Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε περισσότερα στα Αγγλικά εδώ. […]
[…] CERN has discovered the Higgs Boson particle, the so called “God” particle and the EU parliament has voted against ACTA. This is a great day for science and for freedom of […]
[…] now, I shall stick to writing and cheering on the libraries, the Pirates in Parliament, the heroic civil liberties defenders, and my very own New York Pirate Party – you guys rock & are totally worth the threat […]
[…] July 4, the European Union voted against ACTA with a decapitating 92 percent majority, 478 votes against and 39 for the treaty. In Europe, as […]
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[…] Take careful note that I don’t say here that the Pirate MEPs where sufficient for victory on their own, which they certainly weren’t, but I am saying they were necessary for victory. Our first MEP, Christian Engström, had been relentlessly grinding the issue since 2009, when everybody else considered it a done deal. But through unwavering activist pressure from the outside, combined with MEPs on the inside who could explain in the legislative corridors what all the protests were about, the European Parliament turned and ACTA died globally. […]
[…] Idag gick Europaparlamentet till votering om den omstridda Acta-avtalet. Och röstade […]
[…] the purpose of establishing international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement. We killed it on July 4, 2012 in a final, crushing defeat that left MEPs and EU Commissioners wailing about […]
[…] The bills themselves still exist, and could be discussed and passed in a heartbeat. That’s not likely to happen though, because of the enormous political baggage the two bills now carry. They’re extremely rare bills, in that they were introduced and passed by a committee, but dropped because of popular opinion. That success led to a renewed push on ACTA, and ended up with the European Parliament decisively voting against ACTA. […]
[…] VICTORY! ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament […]
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