Last month there were revelations about the EU Parliament IT system, and the arbitrary way in which email blocks on legitimate topics can be…
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Abandon Integrity, All Ye that Gain Power?
If we had any doubt of the reason we need to be extra vigilant in our work, this month has provided them in spades….
Read MoreAlpha Geeks (and Pirates) Explained
For some time, there has been a misunderstanding of how to deal with Pirates, or even just getting their viewpoint. They’re seen as arrogant,…
Read MoreHow the Police (and Politicians) Can Regain the Public Trust
A few months ago, I asked what we should do about law enforcement officials that broke the law in a piece called “Is it…
Read MoreIowa, Ohio and Texas Take Stand Against Transparent Elections
If you’ve ever heard something like ‘America is the greatest democratic country in the world’ take heed. While many believe that to be the…
Read MoreIs it Time to Police the Police?
Every week, somewhere in the US, there’s a story of some kind of police activity that leads people scratching their head, or saying ‘That…
Read MoreHEY GENTE! accettate i fatti, non abbiatene paura!
Nell’era dei social media, in particolare nel periodo che precede le elezioni, le persone sono bombardate con ogni tipo di immagine che promuove un…
Read MoreHEY PEOPLE! Embrace Facts, Don't Fear Them
In the age of social media, especially in the run up to an election, people are being bombarded with all kinds of images promoting…
Read MoreYour Email Privacy Is Under Increasing Threat
Over the last few days, two stories about emails have hit the headlines, and it leads to questions over the future security of email…
Read MoreNorwegen: Terrorismus mit Gesang bekämpft und nicht mit Überwachung
Gestern war der neunte Verhandlungstag vor Gericht im Fall Anders Breivik, dem Mann hinter den Ereignissen in Oslo und Utøya im vergangenen Juli. Und…
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