My fellow artists, we need to talk. We’re all starving, our fans are starving, and life just sucks for all of us. The only…
Read MoreAuthor: zacqary.adam.xeper
Sajnálom, hogy nem tudtam megvenni az albumodat
Helló, indie művész barátom. Épp most olvastam a blogposztodat, amelyben azt kívántad, bár csak ne kalózkodnák a zenéidet. Aztán meghallgattam a hozzá mellékelt ingyenes…
Read MoreI'm Sorry I Could Only Afford To Pirate Your Album
Hey there, indie artist. I just read your blog post about how you wish people wouldn’t pirate your music. Then I listened to the…
Read MoreLet's Play Taboo When Discussing Politics
Let’s play a game: get a friend to guess the word “baseball” without saying “game,” “sport,” “pitcher,” “catcher,” or “batter.” That means you have…
Read MoreIs The Copyright Industry Really Shooting Itself In The Foot?
It’s tempting to mock the copyright industry for being unable to understand the Internet. Why, we ask, do they sue their fans, play whack-a-mole…
Read MoreGood News: US Congressman Is Against DRMing 3D Printers To Stop Them From Making Guns
Last week, US Congressman Steve Israel made some unsettling comments about 3D printers, and how they can be used to make guns. Fearing another…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay è la biblioteca pubblica più efficiente del mondo
Il modo in cui funziona la pirateria dei media è che una persona od un gruppo compra un’opera e poi lo condivide con milioni…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay es la Biblioteca Pública más Eficiente del Mundo
La forma en como funciona piratear medios es que una persona o grupo compra un trabajo y luego lo comparte con millones de otras…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay Is The World's Most Efficient Public Library
The way media piracy works is that one person or group purchases a work, and then shares it with millions of other people. This…
Read MoreSzerzői jog helyett jutalékjog, avagy tegyük feleslegessé a kalózkodást
A szabadalmi és a szerzői jogok bármiféle reformjával csak annyit érhetünk el, hogy valamivel kevésbé borzadályossá tesszük azokat, de végül úgyis fel kell majd…
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