What would a truly free-market approach to copyrights and patents look like? The problem we have right now is this: The flat green line…
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Nem "letöltünk" vagy "beszerzünk", hanem "legyártunk", "készítünk" vagy "előállítunk".
A polgári szabadságjogokért és a kultúra megosztásának szabadságáért folytatott politikai harcban majdhogynem minden a megfelelő fogalmazásmódon áll vagy bukik. Nem véletlenül használ a szerzői…
Read MoreIt's Not "Getting" Or "Downloading" A Copy. It's "Making" Or "Manufacturing" One.
In the political fight for civil liberties and sharing culture, language is everything – which can be observed by the copyright industry’s consistent attempts…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay è la biblioteca pubblica più efficiente del mondo
Il modo in cui funziona la pirateria dei media è che una persona od un gruppo compra un’opera e poi lo condivide con milioni…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay es la Biblioteca Pública más Eficiente del Mundo
La forma en como funciona piratear medios es que una persona o grupo compra un trabajo y luego lo comparte con millones de otras…
Read MoreThe Pirate Bay Is The World's Most Efficient Public Library
The way media piracy works is that one person or group purchases a work, and then shares it with millions of other people. This…
Read MoreПочему мы должны придумывать бизнес-модели для них?
Недавно я спорил на Reddit о реформах в области копирайта, и инстинктивно начал говорить о том, что существует множество бизнес-моделей, а не только торговля…
Read MoreWhen Did It Become Our Job To Fix Their Business?
I was arguing with someone on Reddit recently over monopoly reform, and instinctively, I started to say “There are a whole galaxy of other…
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