In Sunday’s “Worlds Apart” show on Russia Today, Oksana Boyko interviewed me about the NSA leaks and the state of civil liberties in the…
Read MoreAuthor: Rick Falkvinge
Swarmwise – taktická příručka jak změnit svět. Kapitola šestá.
Hejno musí mít mechanizmy na řešení sporů, rozhodování a kulturu odměn. Dosáhnout se toho dá mnoha způsoby. Tradiční hlasovací demokracie je jedním z nejhorších….
Read MoreSwarmwise – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter Six.
The swarm must have mechanisms for conflict resolution, for decision making, and for reward culture. There are many ways to accomplish this. A traditional…
Read MoreWith Journalism Persecuted, The United States Is Now At Event Horizon To A Police State
Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who published Edward Snowden’s leaks, was recently suggested to be a criminal for shining light on the NSA’s abuse…
Read MoreLa petizione per il perdono preventivo di Ed Snowden ha raggiunto l'obbiettivo delle 100mila firme
La petizione alla Casa Bianca per il perdono preventivo dell’informatore Edward Snowden che ha fatto la soffiata sull’NSA per “crimini che avrebbe commesso soffiando…
Read MorePetition To Preemptively Pardon Ed Snowden Reaches Goal Of 100k Signatures
The Whitehouse petition to pre-emptively pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for “crimes he may have committed while blowing the whistle” has reached its goal…
Read MoreHow Today's NSA Is Much, Much Worse Than Stasi Or Orwell's “1984”
There are still people warning us of sleepwalking into a Stasi or “1984” society. They missed the boat by a long shot: we are…
Read MoreRichiesta dell'industria del Copyright, contributi per ogni Xbox e Playstation venduta
L’industria del copyright ha decretato in Svezia che ora raccoglierà contributi per ogni XBox e Playstation vendute – circa €10 ($12) per unità. Tale…
Read MoreCopyright Industry Demands, Gets Levies For Every XBox, Playstation Sold
The copyright industry has decreed in Sweden that it will now collect levies for every XBox and Playstation sold – about €10 ($12) per…
Read MoreQuindi cos'è esattamente PRISM della NSA oltre che male riprovevole?
Il programma statunitense PRISM della NSA sembra essere un insieme di filtri specializzati per ispezionare in profondità i pacchetti combinato con punti di intercettazioni…
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